Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Globe Speaks Truth to Power

Well, maybe just Columnist Joan Vennochi, whose column this Sunday was titled "Angry at Beacon Hill? Vote Republican."

Maybe Ms Vennochi doesn't really want everyone to vote Republican, but she makes the point that Voting YES on Question 1 (repeal the Commonwealth's Income Tax) is not the way to send a signal to your local State Rep and State Senator. She suggests that people need to have the courage to vote the rascal's out, rather than just trying to send them a message.

But, she also points out the sorry state of the Republican Party in our Commonwealth, although she sees hope for the Party in an Obama win, with its expected exodus of higher ranking Democrats for the new Administration. The question is, is the Party ready to step up.

Her closing line is:

"The Question 1 vote will measure one facet of citizen anger. But if Massachusetts voters keep electing liberals, maybe they should get angry at themselves for doing it."

Good show, Ms Vennochi!

1 comment:

  1. The underlying article fails to acknowledge an important factor: The Republicans in MA are so (insert your favorite: emasculated, impotent, inept, etc) that should the voters unanimously vote for republican where they appear on the ticket, there will still not be enough republicans to control the state house. Thus, for this election cycle at least, Item 1 will have to serve as a proxy for voting Republican.

    What she really should have concluded with was: "If you really want to show your anger at the Democrats, run against them!"

    Having said that, I would still vote yes on 1. Thank God I am in Virginia!

    The other Cliff (tm)


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