Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day Plus One

Yesterday was Earth Day and I didn't even mention it.

Today I will, to ask the question, where is the Federal Government spending money to look at the flip side of the "Global Warming" issue, "Global Cooling."

Remember how "Global Cooling" was all the rage thirty-five or so years ago?  Well, most of you are too young to remember, but it was.

So, if there are any "strategic thinkers" in the Federal Government, they should have some small corner of Government, maybe in the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, looking into this.

What if there is a Maunder Minimum in our future?  That would give us a "Little Ice Age."  At this point there is no reason to panic, but NASA does tell us that this year is quieter than 2008, which was the quietest since 1913 and was support to represent the "bottom."

I am not saying that there is a cold streak in our future or that "Global Warming" is over.  I am just asking for a tiny bit of money, just asking for a little prudent hedging of bets.


Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. My personal take is that there simply isn't any hyperbole for global cooling. Folks just don't seem to get as hysterical over ice and they do over sweltering heat and the vision of the East Coast metropolises under fathoms of salt water. I think particularly in NH there is less sentiment for worry about global cooling, a state whose motto is "Live, Freeze, and Die" just can't get too worked up over frozen assets.


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