Monday, April 13, 2009

New Blog Listed

I have listed a new blog on my list of blogs—"My Blog List--Outside Lowell."

This is "Life on the {Scrap}beach" and it is about scrapping.

If you remember "New in Town," with Renee Zellweger as Lucy Hill, executive from Miami, Florida, dropped down in New Ulm, Minnesota, you may remember an early scene, where Ms Hill is in a car with the real estate agent, Trudy Van Uuden, who casually asks, "Do you scrap?"  Innocent enough question, but Ms Hill has no idea what the lady is talking about.

So, now as a counterpoint, we have the scrapper from Miami, Kathryn Krieger.  Yes, this is a shameless plug.  That said, Ms Krieger does seem to have a nice rig for doing YouTube videos of her scrapping work. Scrapping is not for everybody, but this is the internet.  There is always interested somewhere.  Her YouTube efforts have been reviewed and critiqued in Germany and she has 100 subscribers on YouTube.  I should be doing so good.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Good morning! Thanks for the mention on your blog -- I really appreciate it! I hope your readers won't mind this interruption to their regularly scheduled blogging!

    I haven't seen "New In Town" yet, but not that I know there is mention of scrapping I'll have to check it out!


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