Saturday, May 30, 2009

Out Back Question of the Week

When I walked into the Out Back Jess asked me what the question was and noted that she had checked the blog and had not seen a question posted.  I have been, I admit it, a slacker.  The fact that I have gone back to work should be no excuse.  One needs to have one's priorities straight.

So, I had to invent one on the spot. Of course, I went with the easy one.  Who was recently nominated to be the new Justice on the US Supreme Court?  Jess knew that it was not someone from the "Lower 48," but her guess of Sarah Palin showed awareness, but a certain lack of context.  I gave her the hint "from Puerto Rico."  In the mean time, another greeter, Britney was saying that she knew who it was.  You could see it right there on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't bring it forward. So, we had the person on the phone—the Other Cliff—pass along the name.

The name is Sonia Sotomayor, a Newyorkian.

The key here isn't that no one knew the name, but rather that young people are interested in what is going on and aware. Knowing the names—that is an insider thing.  Knowing that things are happening is what the voters need to know and then closer to the election more detail is required.  It is just like flying a low-level mission to a target.  At 420 knots (483.7 mph or 8 statute miles per minute) you need the right map for the right part of the mission.  You need a general overall map for starting out (maybe 1:2,500,000), then a map with some detail enroute (1:500,000), and then a detailed map (1:200,000) for when you get to the target area.

Regards  —  Cliff

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