Monday, June 29, 2009

Out Back Question of the Week—Answer

The question asked, "How are Senator John F Kerry and TV personality David Letter alike?".

Tasteless joke about Governor Sarah Palin.
The Bay State senator was telling a group of business and civic leaders in town at his invitation about the "bizarre" tale of how South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford had "disappeared for four days" and claimed to be hiking along the Appalachian Trail, but no one was really certain of his whereabouts.

"Too bad," Kerry said, "if a governor had to go missing it couldn’t have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin."
I guess that if people stopped taking cheap shots at the Governor she might actually fade from the news. On the other hand, with people like Governor Mark Sanford engaging in public stupidity, she keeps moving forward.  I bet that sometimes President Obama wishes she had won the vote for Vice President, rather than Senator Biden.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Did you see her response?

    It was this weekend while she was gone for a few days visiting troops in Kosovo. Nothing big, I don't even think she realized there would be a camera, since there was no media in the room.

    Not as mean, just a bit corny and obvious.

    It beats me why Sen Kerry brought up Palin's name? He is just giving her a platform.

  2. The funniest part of that anecdote to me is how John Kerry's wooden sense of humor is so dull that he's compelled to explain the punchline.

  3. Renee

    Welcome back.

    On the money.  I think corny is Gov Palin's long suite.  Out across the fruited plain it plays well.

    As for why Sen Kerry brought this up, one can only speculate.  You don't think the Democrats are really concerned about her in 2012, do you?

    Regards  —  Cliff

  4. Isn't the landscape bleak enough with the passing of Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael J., and Billy Mays? VP Palin would completely break our spirits.

  5. Fran

    Up and about and taking nourishment, I see.  That is good.

    Regards  —  Cliff

    PS:  Kad, no, I don't just respond to the women.

  6. Glad to be of service as your "token". ;-)

  7. I admit I'm a big fan of Sarah. Still I think her niche is dealing with children with special needs, and other pro-life issues to help pregnant women which may not be in the position of being an elected official.

    She doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She herself had an unexpected pregnancy in the midst of her professional career, 80% of the unborn detected with Down Syndrome are aborted. If that isn't enough, she experience a social faux pas of her daughter being pregnant. She handled it like a good mother. When a young women gets pregnant in my own family. We help her out, and even make sure the father-to-be is 'on the right track' too.

    Much of my family may label themselves liberal and even pro-choice, life issues were non-issues, but that wasn't how they acted at all. On multiple occasions growing up, we did what we did for the young unwed mother, even the older ones too. We didn't punish her, and didn't shame her. We did what we did to help her with the baby, finish school, and even if the relationship was healthy with the father (gasp) throw them a wedding.

    Today young women simply don't have the family support they may receive if pregnant, also the government pretty much does everything in their power to make motherhood be unattractive. I think in Massachusetts our efforts reduced teen pregnancy, spilled over into adult women. By the time we have an education, and pay down the student loans from graduate school we're hitting our biological clock; and just can't stop as we got our professional career all ramped up.

    Remember Sarah couldn't be Sarah without Todd. Todd plays such an important role in this. I say that because I couldn't do what I do (have an education and have a family) without the support of my awesome husband. "He such a Todd."


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