Monday, June 22, 2009

What Did She Know?

And when did she know it?

According to Mother Jones Senator Dianne Feinstein is not happy with the IC's contribution to our knowledge of what is happening in Iran.  This is based upon, in part, a post at the CNN Political Ticker, located here.
“I don’t think our intelligence – candidly — is that good.  I think it’s a very difficult country in which to collect intelligence right now.  I think our ability to get in there and change the course of human events is very low . . .”
The Senator then goes on to say that we are NOT trying to impact the course of human events in Iran. She bases that on briefings to, one would assume, the "Gang of Eight," by people from Clandestine Operations.

After praising President Obama for his handling of the situation, Senator Feinstein goes on to say:
“It is very crucial, as I see, that we not have our fingerprints on this. That this really be truly inspired by the Iranian people,” Feinstein said.  “This is really within the hands of Mr. Moussavi, with his supporters, with the bulk of the Iranian people.  And I think the important thing is that this may well reveal the enormous fallacy behind this Iranian religious-inspired regime,” she added.
But, does DiFi really think the Iranians believe that we aren't sticking our oar in this water?  Are there folks who think that we are prepared to actually "get in there and change the course of human events," as DiFI said?  And leave no fingerprints?

The President's efforts to keep the rhetoric down is a good move at this point.  It is like watching a car crash in front of you.  You want to shout out advice and do something, but there is nothing you can do.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Cliff,

    Except a car crash is a bad thing for all parties, and no one ever comes out the winner (except for maybe a personal injury laywer or two).

    I know you've written here on the blog about the Law of Conservation of Enemies...there probably ought to be a corollary about never interrupting someone who's praising you, and never interfering with a process that's coming out in your favor. All we could do by acting on the behalf of the protesters is give rise to the idea that we're somehow behind it, thereby undercutting both the protesters and ourselves.

    Glad to see a President in the Oval Office that actually understands nuance and historical sensitivities.



Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.