Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving Lowell Forward

As someone who was born in a city where the mills all went away, Johnstown, PA, I am very interested in my adopted city having a vision and doing well.  And, I am interested in Lowell doing it without the bad publicity that Representative John Murtha brings to Johnstown.

Thus, when I had a chance to cooperate with Lynne Lupien of Left in Lowell on a non-partisan effort to encourage Lowell voters to vote and to encourage Lowell City Council candidates to tell us, the voters, how they are going to make the city better, I carefully considered and then jumped in with both feet.  In fact, I am the Chairman of "Move Lowell Forward" Political Action Committee.  My Co-Chairman is Lynne Lupien.

Please visit out website, at http://www.movelowellforward.com and see what we are talking about.

Are key points are:
  • Professionalism in city government;
  • Economic growth for local jobs and stabilizing the tax rate
  • A strong educational system
  • Safe and clean neighborhoods
  • A better quality of life and effective public services
  • Respect for, and adherence to, our Plan E city charter.
Let's be honest.  On the level of national, or even state policies and politics, Lynne and I are more likely to disagree than agree.  However, that doesn't mean that we can't find our areas of agreement and help move things forward.  With regard to our Great City, Lowell, we are in major agreement at this point in time.

But, agreement or disagreement, the most important thing for each of you is involvement.  Learn the issues and get out there and vote.

And, before you get to the ballot box, ask questions, write letters, post comments and make contributions to candidates.  For incumbent and challenger alike, running is hard.  Find one or more candidates you like and support them.  Please.

And, please support the "Move Lowell Forward" PAC.


Regards  —  Cliff

PS:  And for those of you who don't wish to comment, but do wish to send me an EMail, it is crk (at) theworld.com.  I have replaced "@" with " (at) " because I believe it will keep the spammers at bay.  This substitution is more an act of faith than actual programming knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Cliff,

    Thanks for posting.. I just checked out the link...also glad to see you guys are on Facebook, I can reach you from anywhere (thankfully it won't be on a Navy-Marine Corps network, though!) I just saw the news about the Facebook/Twitter ban after you sent the piece that it might be in the works..



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