Thursday, August 6, 2009

Out Back Question of the Week

Why is there an August Recess for the US Congress:
  1. Because that is what they had to do before air conditioning and they are slow to adapt
  2. Because even with air conditioning DC is a terrible place in August.
  3. Because they need the time to do fund raising they can't do by telephone.
  4. Because they really do want to go home and find out what the voters are thinking.
  5. Because they are worried that if they stay in session too long the Health Care Reform protesters will come to DC and picket and cause a ruckus, disrupting their lives.
  6. So the President can appoint people to office without having to get Senate Confirmation.
  7. Another reason, to be supplied by the respondent.
  8. Some of the above.
Regards  —  Cliff


  1. H, which also incorporates the various HVAC answers and G, which is that Nancy Pelosi is a glutton for her minion's punishment over the ObamaCare offerings.

  2. She is that.

    Regards  —  Cliff


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.