Sunday, November 22, 2009

Big Nate in Lowell

Here is the cartoon, Big Nate.

For those of you who read this on Monday or later, in this cartoon Big Nate and the boys (there are four) are playing football and Big Nate is trying to work with his sole teammate, who is an ESL type of person.

The essence of the strip is Nate trying to explain a foodball play.  While it is possible that The Lowell Sun dropped the 22 November strip because they thought it was offensive, they also substituted last Sunday, and the Sunday before.

Here is the strip we got today, in The Lowell Sun.  Note that it was the strip for 21 November and is about basketball, not football.

I like Big Nate, but this random cartoon, once a week, is another thing driving me to going on-line rather than checking the newspaper.  That said, I like reading Crankshaft in the paper, and The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee.

As for The Boston Globe, they run Heart of the City six days a week and then drop her for Sundays.  What do I do?  Naturally, I go on line.

On the other hand, I do get three Sunday papers that I read in hard copy, The Lowell Sun, The Boston Globe and The New York Times.  If we could still get The Washington Post, I would get that also.  I love the feel of the paper and the ease of reading, but this is not the same as the love I have for my wife. My love for newspapers could fade and die.

Regards  —  Cliff

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