Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quote of the Day

This is cribbed from an EMail written by a senior Command Sergeant Major in the US Army—a Special Forces type of guy.
Egos stifle progress:  maturity, vision, and relevance bridge gaps
If a Special Forces Command Sergeant Major can think this way, we all can.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Naturally, as his grade equivalent, he is absolutely correct!! Although a dangerous thing to do with another man's inspiration. I think at its core, his axiom suggests the selflessness of allegiance to a much higher calling than the highly secular and parochial goals of society. The SF guys and the SEALs are a few of the small groups who have best internalized the philosophy that true service has nothing to do with the individual's needs or preferences. Rather, it is an allegiance to ideals the speak to the freedom of the individual and the peaceful coexistence of difference, and to remain true to that allegiance even at the cost of one's life.

    I had an old MSgt tell me way back when I was a young skeeter wing in the AF, "Son, military men are above politics. For us, we are guided by a much higher calling."

    Some day, we will as a world find a way to quit killing each other over personal differences. Nobody would welcome that day any more than the guys who have to do it.




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