Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin 24/7

Howard Kurtz, who writes a pretty good column, today gave us "The age of Palintology."  A pretty catchy title.  The article can be found here, in The Washington Post.  I thought Howard Kurtz was a WashPost person, but at the end of his column it says he works for CNN.  Maybe he will be the last man standing at that cable station.

Local blogger Renee Aste weighed in on the Newsweek cover on former Governor Palin, at this blog post.

Then David Perry, reporter with The Lowell Sun has an article today, titled "Palin in Print."  I thought that was a catchy title. 

If her 15 minutes are over, her 15 minutes are over, but there are a couple of things driving this.  First off, there are a lot of Americans across the fruited plain who think the nation is going in the wrong direction and think the former Governor from Alaska agrees with them.  Throw in that there are a measurable group of Americans who think that the country is being run by pointy headed liberals from the two coasts and that those pointy headed liberals look down on the rest of America.  Remember, this isn't about truth, but about perception.  You may not believe it, but there are folks out there who tell jokes about people who go to Harvard and others who laugh at such jokes.

Second, if you are a Democrat or Democratic Party operative, Sarah Palin is a good way to stir up your base.  While you may secretly think that Joe Biden is a disaster, in public you point out that we dodged a bullet by not having HER a heart beat away from the oval office.

As for me, I am an American and I love rooting for the underdog.  I think that Sarah Palin is the underdog these days and I like her spunk.  Is that enough for her to get my vote?  Tell me who else is running.  I voted for Dick Nixon the second time he ran—and I knew I was voting for a crook.  But then in 1972 I was heading back to Southeast Asia, for my second tour, and I thought we were doing something important.  Voter's remorse is not uncommon in this great nation.

Regards  —  Cliff

  Note that since this is a link to an article in The Lowell Sun, it will likely expire in 30 days.  I will not be updating the link at that point unless I am shut in with the Swine Flu.
  I think that is a great line.
  Or maybe that is left over from the days when my childhood heros were Harry S Truman, Adlai E Stevenson, C Estes Kefauver, Hubert H Humphry and Edmund G Brown.


  1. Sarah's biggest problem is that she is Sarah and Americans like their BS slingers in nice, articulate packages. Who cares if she can see Alaska from her front door? What is important is the fact that AK is just a short tactical fighter hop away from Russia. Maybe she should have gone to Harvard instead of some low end land grant school. Oh...the shame.



  2. The problem with Sarah is that she never had the chance to prove or even disprove herself. Only two years into term? Can't prove one way or another if she is capable. Normally could we judge an elected official in a executive office on two years?

    With all the drama from the media, she couldn't do her job effectively even after 08'. I knew of Sarah prior to her VP nomination, being from the SBA List, she was a hopeful. GOP should of waited another four years on her, even eight or twelve. She's only in her mid 40s. Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi must be 15-20 years older then her, respectfully.

    There's a lot to blame, even Sarah Palin. Maybe she should of turned the chance to be VP down. But now that's hindsight. Sorry cliff, but McCain and the GOP should be blamed, the Democrats can't help but take advantage of it.

    They should of known whether or not she would be a good fit with the McCain/GOP campaign. They butted heads with Palin, now the GOP has to deal with it.

    It wrong with the personal characterization of Sarah Palin, but it happened. I still like her, I hope she finds the right place to do her what she does best. It doesn't have to be the Presidency or any elected office.


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