Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Follow The Money

Here is a contrarian view on the issue of climate change and the idea of "follow the money."

Sure, it is The Wall Street Journal and thus corrupt by implication, but then it is part of the MSM.

It turns out that compared to Exxon's contribution to the discussion, monies flowing to those working the Climate Change dodge is quite a bit.

However, what bothers me is that for the hundreds of millions of dollars flowing to places like the CRU, we don't have the underlying data.  Did it just go away?  I find that hard to believe.  It was collected at one time.  Can the results not be duplicated?

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. I am betting that the data can be collected again, but at the moment, in spite of the hypocrisy uncovered in this latest revelation.....along with the abject arrogance of the environmental intelligensia, nobody who bothers to reconstruct the data will be heard from. The power mongers in this grand theater are telling us to simply trust them because they are right.

    I do find it interesting that we go after the media who are little more than pathetic dupes and completely ignore the puppet masters behind the curtain. Can't anyone even get at least marginally curious how it is that the world's greatest apostle of global warming and ecodisaster, Algore, has increased his neat worth nearly 600 times over since being only a Vice President?




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