Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scott Brown Endorsements

I see where The Lowell Sun came out in favor of Scott BrownKad Barma wasn't all that impressed, but I liked it.  And The Boston Herald endorsed Scott Brown.  I am guessing that The Boston Globe is going to be occupied still looking for "Spiderman", who disappeared from the "G" Section on Monday.  These things don't go unnoticed. Where I work we have a car pool that goes over the comics in The Globe enroute.  They noted that a whole day's worth of comics were dropped last week and never recovered.  They were not happy.

But, I was happy to see the endorsements for Scott Brown.  Is he my perfect candidate?  No, I am, but I am not running and he is my second choice after myself.

And for all those who say the election on 19 January is to replace the late Ted Kennedy, what about replacing the TSW, Senator Paul Kirk. Like on the 20th or 21st.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Cliff:

    Are you surprised that the Sun and Herald have endorsed Brown? The news will have been if they had endorsed Coakley.


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