Saturday, February 27, 2010

Au Revoir Desiree Rogers

Here is the LA Times take on the departure of Desiree Rogers from her position as Social Secretary at the White House.  And it includes a bit of a civics lesson on how things operate, in Washington and in Chicago.

Frankly, I don't think the gate crashing Salahi couple were such a big deal.

Good luck to you, Desiree, in your next adventure.

UPDATE:  Julianna Smoot is the new Social Secretary and deputy assistant to the president.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. I predicted this departure the morning after the night before. It just needed to be "managed." I have few tears to shed for Desiree. I am quite certain that she will not sit in a wooden chair clutching the help wanted ads in one hand and a hand mirror in the other watching her butt starve.

    The delay in her change of employment probably occurred as much as a result of the interior designers falling behind on her new it was from anything else meaningful.

    Maybe she's going to head up the new and IMPROVED (????) ACORN.

    The Salihis were simply a pathetic pair whose role in this gut wrenching DC drama was as unspeakably incidental as it was unimportant.

  2. Ms.Rodgers was a good fit for the job, but she dropped the ball. It happens. That is why POTUS has layers of security.

    I thought,because of the state dinner SNAFU, that she should have been replaced. I just didn't want it to happen under the pressure of howling and demands for "heads to roll."

    One of my rules of thumb is, if I can't protect you from your mistake, I can at least not embarrass you any more than you have embarrassed yourself.

    A polite exit strategy is the least one can do for a friend. We aren't talking "Iran-Contra" here.

  3. The underlying reason for her departure was only exacerbated by the "guess who came to dinner" fiasco that the MSM and the GOP had a field day blowing out of proportion. Desiree violated a immutable law of White House life. There is only ONE star..and perhaps two....POTUS and FLOTUS. Staff don't show up on the receiving line dressed to kill and mingle with the high and mighty as one of equal station in life. Who's party is it??

    She could have still been there laboring away in her sumptuous office space in the West Wing had she keep her head down and stayed below the illumination of the spotlight.

    Some people can't resist the attraction though.


  4. Her undoing may have been her New Orleans roots. Likely, in Southern high society, a lady can throw one hell of a soiree and still be the belle of the ball.

    Too bad Ms. Rodgers forgot it was not her house. In part, it may be because FLOTUS is not comfy in that aspect of her duties. Michelle Obama strikes me as well grounded. It must be difficult to be elevated to a stature that requires such pomp.

  5. Above my pay grade and outside my AFSC Jack.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.