Monday, February 15, 2010

John Who?

Someone came up with this line:
I finally figured out what is going on with all the Democrats in Congress deciding not to run:  "They are going Galt!"  They aim to deprive us of their "skills" so that we will hit bottom and welcome them back with open arms.  Of course, they seem to have missed something in the book . . . hopefully they will not figure it out.
One might think of Evan Bayh as an example.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Makes sense to me. Considering the departure from reality suffered by most of the members of Congress, particularly those of the liberal persuasion who have managed to fool all of their constituents all of the time, thus creating for themselves a permanency exceeded only by the various marble monuments and edifices that grace the Capitol area.

    That they would "retire" from the Senate or House (which is a misnomer given that we continue to pay them full salary and benefits until the day that they expire) as a punitive measure, thinking that once "we" miss them enough, we will find them and return them triumphantly back into the designated chamber, thus validating and celebrating their singular greatness and territorial omniscience.

    Washington DC needs to be renamed, from the District of Columbia, to DEN (District of Extreme Narcissists).



  2. There is an alternative, but since it based on taking at face value what a politician says it is choice that is accepted with some trepidation. However having said that we can't trust as honest everything that a politician says, it could be that Bayh is telling us the truth and that attitude in today's Senate and House, particular those of the Right, that we are better off as a nation if every initiative fails and we do nothing to face our problems is one that would drain almost anyone of a desire to "serve."

    I am not sure who to blame for the start of this. It could be the Democrats, or the Federalists, or ... What is important is we need to pull out of the death spiral we are in. Where will that leadership come from one wonders.

  3. I am a little confused.

    You say:  "that attitude in today's Senate and House, particular those of the Right, that we are better off as a nation if every initiative fails and we do nothing to face our problems is one that would drain almost anyone of a desire to 'serve.' "

    On the other hand, the Republicans, with less of a majority ran the country for quite a while.  And for two years, with Democratic majorities Bush 44 ran the country.  It seems to me we are talking about health care and cap and trade.  Budgets have been passed.  The Forest Service still serves.  TSA is still making us take our shoes off.  However, there is opposition to some things that don't command majority support from the American People.

    And, could it be the reason the Democrats have not been able to pass health care is that they don't agree amongst themselves as to what they want?  How is this the fault of the Republicans?

    Regards  —  Cliff


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.