Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sun on City Life

I am listened to the Local Access TV show, City Life.  The guest co-host today is Sun Editor Jim Campanini, who has just explained about the finances for the paper and its parent holding company.  While the holding company is in some financial trouble, apparently the local "paper of record" is making money and hiring people, and without benefit of help from the Obama Administration Stimulus Package.

Love it or hate it, The Sun is our local paper and it would be a serious loss if it went away.

So, some good news today.

And, the show will rerun this afternoon at 4 PM, on Channel 95.

Regards  —  Cliff

PS:  I noted that The Sun swapped out a cartoon on us yesterday.  It didn't swap out some great cartoon, so no loss there, but it is a duplicate of the new cartoon at The Boston Globe, which replaced Spiderman.  Now that was tragic.

1 comment:

  1. My one lingering disappointment from cancelling my Globe subscription years ago was my loss of my daily Spiderman fix... (I didn't miss one other thing). At least now it's easier for me to move on. (I'm still disgusted by the choking mass of editorial bloviation out of all proportion to local news in my Sun, but Lisa Redmond's courthouse reporting keeps me coming back nevertheless).


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