Friday, February 5, 2010


A new term for me, picked up at the Ann Althouse Blog.  TTT stands for "Third Tier Trash" and refers to the less highly ranked law schools and its use is attributed to certain lawyers who are out blogging.  Ms Althouse is not amongst them.

At this location Ms Althouse comments on Justice Clarence Thomas speaking at the University of Florida Law School.
And for law clerks he chooses "the kids I like," with "a preference for non-Ivy League law clerks," because "I'm not part of this new or faux nobility."
For a long time there has been this "nobility" from the northeastern quadrant of the nation running things. And here is Justice Thomas trying to give a leg up to folks from the southeast quadrant.

The Justice Thomas talk is shown on this video of the webcast.

But, back to TTT.  This sort of class distinction is not good for the nation.  Sure, we know that Harvard is the second oldest university on the continent. But, let us not look down our collective noses at people who graduated from Slippery Rock State Teachers College until we see how they perform on the job.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Don't go giving away my secret... At work, in a high-powered software environment where Ivy always attracts positive attention from most other managers, my preferred hiring profile is someone with a TTT sheepskin who worked their way through school. (I.e. no Dad's money and free riding). They're better motivated, AND educated, since they actually paid attention in class instead of thought about the next kegger. (People get like that when they're paying for the privilege of their own education).

    My group's record is second to none, and I know it's not by accident.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.