Monday, March 8, 2010

President Ahmadinejad Strikes Again

I expect we all known that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a denier of the Holocaust.

Now comes along the same President suggesting that 9/11 wasn't what it seemed to be.
The September 11 incident was a big fabrication as a pretext for the campaign against terrorism and a prelude for staging an invasion against Afghanistan.
The problem is, he might actually believe that, which will complicate developing international agreements with his nation over many issues.

And, he says this to Intelligence Ministry personnel during a meeting on Saturday last.  One wonders what the Iranian Intel types think of this.

But, our best bet still remains containment and evolution.  It worked, sort of, for the Soviet Union.  It should work in Iran also.  Which is a good reason for retaining nuclear weapons.  And a good reason for making efforts to help the Iranians understand the effects of nuclear weapons, even if we have to set up a nuclear weapons effects course for them in some obscure place, like Oberammergau.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. I tend to think that when Iran's latest tyrant and dictator wants someone's beliefs, he'll give it to them. In the deepest, most inaccessible parts of the minds of some, there may be honest disagreement, but the price for freedom of thought....and therefore speech and elimination.

    I think that Iran needs to understand that to extend its influence and power outside of its borders in an aggressive way invites its total destruction.

    While the debate can rage on about using nuclear weapons, there is a very special cachet about them. Having said that, even with nukes, deterrence works only if the intended target of deterrence feels deterred. Given our current National policy and apparent international persona, I think even NK is unconvinced and perhaps even emboldened to "give it a shot" when they feel the timing is right.

    We watched German and Japan with detached interest for years. Our "best and brightest" preached peace and love and uninvolvement, until Churchill more or less embarrassed the US into entering the war as a combatant.....and the wisdom of that decision was finally borne out when Japan felt that "the time is right" and struck us while we were diverted. Ultimately, I think history will finally pin the tail on the FDR donkey, rather than to continue to go after those in his cabinet or below. A good public hanging is a wonderful satisfaction that the matter has been taken care of.

    I sense that we are on the precipice of a similar chapter in history. And Obamamama is about to get rid of a substantial part of our nuclear the name of world peace.



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