Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tea Party Membership

George Anthes is on "City Life" asked who is in the Tea Party.

Ann Althouse points us to a poll on Tea Party Membership.

Here is the Quinnipiac Poll, which is the basis of the Ann Althouse post.

Ann Althouse distills it down to:

74 percent are Republicans or independent voters leaning Republican;
16 percent are Democrats or independent voters leaning Democratic;
5 percent are solidly independent;
45 percent are men;
55 percent are women;
88 percent are white;
77 percent voted for Sen. John McCain in 2008;
15 percent voted for President Barack Obama

I hope this helps George.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Looks like 5% of the folks (the solidly independent ones) found their way to the wrong party by mistake...

    When a *functionally independent* anti-spend anti-tax movement shows up, maybe more of us functionally independent voters will consider it.

    Til then, it's partisan politics as usual, isn't it.

  2. You will find here a suggestion on how to make the Tea Party movement more effective:

  3. Hi Cliff, thanks for lining up Sandi Martinez to talk about the Tea Party on City Life this morning. I still think the Republicans fueled the foundation for the Tea Party as a way to get un-enrolled voters interested in Republican candidates, now we see the coffee party seemingly fueled by Democrats.
    Anyway Stay Tuned
    Thanks Again
    John McDonough

  4. Kad

    It isn't.  But did you see the Mercury News item?


    Given the way local Tea Parties are formed all he has to do is put up a Facebook page and round up a couple of friends and start showing up.  Then he would have a Tea Party.


    Thanks.  Do we know who is running the local Coffee Party?

    Regards  —  Cliff

  5. Holy Smoke! No wonder the Dems are running scared, after all, tea party membership is 375% of most normal human activity membership!

  6. Anon

    I loved it.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  7. When's the next teab... eh hem, "Tea Party" rally in Lowell?

    Let's see Sandi strut her stuff! She has been at this for a long time.

  8. I am thinking 15 April is the next big [Greater Lowell] Tea Party action.  But, events could bring the membership of this somewhat informal group out before then.

    When is the first Coffee Klatch action in Lowell? The movement has swung into action.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  9. Who can go to a rally on a Thursday, "welfare tea partiers?"

    I recommend a Saturday.

    On the Coffee Party, I'm a Facebook fan, but will keep my distance. I'm sure I'll go to an event or two, maybe even steer folks to it, if they can't come to grips with a "party proper."

    But I am now a member of the Democratic Party. That is where my preferred solutions to the challenges facing America's middle class reside.

  10. Palin will be in Boston April 14th, not sure how that would affect any local rallies.


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