Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Following Threads

There is the theory out there that Former President Bill Clinton was warning the Tea Party folks that they could be creating the next Tim McVeigh, which capitalized on the fact that yesterday was the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.  Here is a hot debate on the topic of Oklahoma City and its cause from the Ann Althouse blog.  Frankly, I was surprised that this showed up on the Law Professor's blog, but she links to Law Professor Eugene Volokh's blog, Kenneth Anderson being the author of this particular post.

This is a real knock down drag out take no prisoners battle on the Althouse Blog.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. What this battle of the bloggers brings to my mind is the utter self-deception that the American public brings to the electoral process and outcomes. We elect someone to "high office" and in so doing invest them with iconic status as one of near messianic purity, and then we are horrified to discover that many, if not most, are living examples of virtually every pathology listed in the DSM. And, it seems that the public then reacts in one of two extreme ways. Some will recoil in righteous indignation and anger that they were "duped," while others will reinforce their delusion by either denying the pathological behavior as a ploy by a "vast right wing conspiracy" (the ploy du jour) to discredit their holy one, or by minimizing the behavior by pointing to some other official (usually of the opposite political persuasion) who behaved even worse.

    If you look at Presidential history, there are far more "perversions" than puritans. A large percentage of them were anything but paragons of marital monogamy. Many were involved in shady deals to enrich themselves as a result of their political positions and NONE of them has left the WH destitute. A number of them have been outright criminal in their behaviors, if not in the first person, certainly as the instigator and coconspirator. And at the very least, most have been charlitans and flim flam men.....polished practitioners of the ultimate shell game and bait and switch. By any standard, Ken Lay and Bernie Madoff were simply unfortunates who chose to ply their skills in private business rather than Federal service.

    And then one should look at the Congress. What a collection of crooks and perverts. A significant number of them are felons, and many of them felons in waiting. Very few of them have even a remote resemblence to "Joe the Plumber" or "Bill Bagadonuts." Their bank accounts are well protected and substantial, even in the worst of times. While Rome burns, this bunch of sociopaths loot the Republic.

    So....that Bill Clinton is complicit in the deaths of the kids of Waco should not be at all surprising. Look at what he did with the Whitewater folks....and many others who dared to expose him. What IS surprising is the lengths to which America is going to protect and absolve him.

    This is precisely why only 28% of the population trusts the Federal government, and why, I believe, of that 28%, most trust only if they can see both hands.

  2. I quit after getting an Associates Degree from the "School of Hard Knocks."

    It sure helped build my street cred, but I figured out from the lectures that blunt force trauma to the logic center was not sustainable.

  3. I think Grant left the White House in debt. That is why he was writing his memoirs at the end of his life—to pay off his debt and leave his family something.

    Regards  —  Cliff


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