Monday, April 19, 2010

Herman Wouk on Mathematics

I have always liked Herman Wouk's work as a novelist.  Here is an extract from his latest work, The Language God Talks: On science and religion.  I liked the discussion of meeting with Richard Feynman and the issue of the development of nuclear weapons.

Regards  —  Cliff

PS:  Hit tip to Instapundit.


  1. I rarely speak of "fractal logic." The permutations make me dizzy.

    I just can't help but know that truth is scalable.


  2. 'The scientist cannot capture the whole cosmos in thought.
    He makes a kind of microcosm, which we see as an analogue
    of the cosmos. In this way we try to get a feeling for the whole.'
    (Art Meets Science and Spirituality, p.28, 1990)

    We MAKE the truth scalable because we lack the capacity to understand its enormity. Put another way, "Your God is too small." Doubt is a PC means of expressing disbelief.

  3. The ancients noted, "As above, so below."


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.