Saturday, May 29, 2010

One Word, Gone

The tradition at All Souls College, Oxford, of the essay, based upon a single word, is no more.

It seems a little sad.

Regards  —  Cliff

PS:  Hat tip to Law Professor Ann Althouse.


  1. Your link brings up a great little ad for The Economist.

    BTW...many of the "Oxford" traditions are fading into the past. So much has changed since we lived there in the 80's. It was always such fun....and in its own way....educational to stroll the streets of Oxford just watching...maybe catch a tea at the Churchill....or wander over across the street to the Ashmolean Museum. Even had a pint or two in the oldest pub in Oxford (perhaps in England), opened first in the 1600's....operated non-stop ever since...presumably with management changes over the years.

  2. Thanks for shearing me It was always such fun and in its own way educational to stroll the streets of Oxford just watching maybe catch a tea.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.