Monday, October 25, 2010

NPR Story Continues

Blogger and Law Professor Ann Althouse talks to the Juan Williams issue.  With video.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. I'm just wondering when we'll get the same in-depth navel-gazing on the Marc Lamont Hill firing... (Not seriously--I kinda figured out how this stuff goes when Steve Wilson and Jane Akre got their walking papers a few years ago.

    Is it such an emotional issue because NPR hits a regular nerve with their regular reporting?

  2. I had never heard of Jane Akre and Steve Wilson, or, in my isolated cacoon, Dr Marc Lamont Hill.  How can that guy get fired and keep appearing on O'Reilly, etc?  Mr Juan Williams should do as well.

    As for NPR, I would say it isn't their regular reporting hitting a nerve but rather their sanctimonious attitude.  With their pledge drives they make support of NRP an almost moral issue.

    I have been a listener to NPR and, on the TV side, like to watch "Greater Boston" on Friday nights, with their "Beat the Press" program, but I think that this action on the part of NPR toward Juan Williams reflects badly, as Emily Rooney suggested Friday last when she noted her concern with NPR management decisions in the last few weeks.


    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. The "sanctimonious attitude" comes up with remarkable frequency when right bashes left. (It's Andrew Breitbart's literal and expressed reason d'etre among many other things).

    I find it quite remarkable that many (most?) of the left's ideas are not, in and of themselves, objectionable to the right, but, rather, it's the people who espouse them that offend so egregiously. (Let's say Al Gore wasn't such a bloated, hypocritical horse's ass... I seriously wonder what might have become of his cause celebre if it wasn't him in front of the movement).

    In the end, it's all about personality, isn't it. Juan's offended the powers-that-be at NPR, and there you have it.

    The funniest part, to me, is all the free publicity being enjoyed by NPR as a result of all the people who hate it refusing to stop yapping about it. (Kinda like Glen Beck's every utterance in reverse).

    Some day people will understand how PR works, and figure out that the most effective way to oppose an idea is not to talk about it.


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