Monday, December 27, 2010

Another Messiah with Flash Cards

Someone sent me along another one of those You Tube Messiah clips, but this one was sufficiently different that I thought it would be worth sharing.  The comment with the URL said that "You have to work with what you have", and this filmographer did.  This is a takeoff on the monks with a vow of silence doing the Messiah, but in this case it is (really cute) kids from Quinhagak, Alaska, out on the coast of the Bering Sea, and part of the Bethal Census area.

Here is the clip in all its glory.

Thanks to Neal for this.

Regards  —  Cliff

  You remember the Bering Sea, don't you?  That was the body of water Comedian Tina Fey was thinking she was looking across when she said you could see Russia from Alaska.  The US is the small island on the right, Little Diomede.  The big thing on the left is Tina FeyRussian Big Diomede.


  1. For the record: Tina never joked about looking across the Bering Straits--Sarah had suggested she enjoyed relevant foreign policy experience owing to Russia's visibility from Alaska, and Tina's riposte substituted a classic line about being able to see Russia "from my front porch". The line was so good that a lot of people mistakenly believe Sarah actually said it, though it's never been studied how many of those misbelievers are regular watchers of Fox News... (Nods to the U of MD researchers for the jab).

  2. No, I've got that.  But, it sort of fit with the story and she is a comedian and thus a little bit of "humor" is in order.  And Tina Fey does an excellent job being Sarah Palin.

    As for the University of Maryland polling, I am dubious about that one.  For instance, "63% believe the stimulus did not create any tax cuts."  I figure I am fairly well informed and I didn't know it included tax cuts (although I do realize that those 535 folks on Capitol Hill are always putting favors into legislation for folks back home or folks who donate money).  I mean, I got a positive tingle up my leg when I heard that MSNBC (along with NPR) did the best job of presenting the news.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. Agreed that the majority of those UMD questions not only failed to yield any smoking guns, but, worse, were quite clearly subjective and highly confusing. I'm surprised someone hasn't done a follow-up survey to investigate theory bias and make fun of the whole thing. (I would but I'm too lazy).


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