Monday, January 31, 2011

New Option

Over at the Instapundit this afternoon there was this link to rumors of a new candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2012, US Abassador to China (and former two term Governor of Utah) Jon Huntsman, Jr.

It is a long way to the Summer of 2013, and the options keep getting better, not that some of the current stock are all that bad.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Interesting. Decent resume. Another Mormon, but with an eye toward health care. His idea of using tax cuts to reform health care is a non-starter and probably more to pander to the anti-tax crowd since it really can be shown to be unworkable even after a cursory examination.

    I don't think he really has a chance because of his previous support for civil unions. He'd have to emphatically change his mind in order to secure a nomination thanks to the anti-gay stoking that the GOP has rode to electoral success in the recent past as well as the religious right's successful co-opting of the Tea Party movement.

  2. Does he run with Romney or against him?

    Huntsman won't make it in a primary. He may be shooting for the VEEP slot.

  3. Almost all of them will fall by the wayside.  Even Hillary missed the brass ring.

    The fun part is watching the race.

    Regards  —  Cliff


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