Sunday, January 16, 2011

Please Stop Fixating

Ann Althouse notes that the Huffington Post put together a series of clips from Gov Sarah Palin's TV series and then she comments on it, dragging in poor Charles Blow at the end, for another thrashing.

And, I learn a new acronym, IOKIYAD
It's OK If You're A Democrat
Over at the Instapundit every 20th or 30th Post goes something like this:
And then states some new problem popping up for the Administration to deal with, such as some aspect of the economy.

A comment at 12:48 on the Althouse blog post makes a comparison between Sarah Palin and Sarah Conner
Liberals remind me of the "The "Terminator" movies as they relentlessly try to destroy Sarah (Connor) Palin. In this video, Palin is armed and wearing a bandanna headband and IS Sarah Connor.
Would our friends from the left please stop fixating on Governor Palin.  I really don't think she will be the Republican Candidate in 2012, much as the Democrats might wish for it.


Regards  —  Cliff


  1. President Obama did well by stating 'no comment' when the media tried to bait him into making a statement about Sarah Palin. Yes, individuals do have a fixation, but it's the media that seems to be the one stirring the pot though. I believe President Obama is doing well in this situation, as is Congress with the upcoming State of the Union address.

  2. I don't see Democratic operatives and the media letting Palin go.

    For Dems, Palin makes the perfect arguement to left leaning Independents. Palin brackets pretty much all that is wrong with GOP politics.

    The media sells whatever is selling. Palin, and the political spin around her, sells. She is the queen of pop politics.

    Palin, of course, happily plays along. And she smirks her sassy self, all the way to the bank.

  3. Jack, I know you posted a note over at Richard Howe, but I haven't read it yet. I felt I needed a break, because well I cross a line in my comment. I will eventually though.

    Sure, Any liberal who wants Palin down will end up going down with her. Whenever a Democrat even mentions her, they may as well be their version of a 'birther'. Credibility lost.


  4. New York Magazine goes nuts for Palin still, recent blog entry from last night complaining about Palin.

    Meanwhile journalists are investigating the what actually happened in Tucson....

  5. Renee I think you give a good example of what the problem is: you don't want people talking about her and yet you've posted 3 comments on this thread talking about her.

  6. Rabtas, True only to an extent, because I actually like some qualities in Palin.

    Right now Obama handled the Tuscon tragedy very well and I applaud him on that, and now it seems we have a balance between Congress and the President (while balance in the extremes), it seems the country is now more open to listening to his policies.

  7. So your point is "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything."? Change 'nice' to 'constructive' and I'll agree with you.


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