Tuesday, February 22, 2011

White Rose

I missed this:
Today marks an anniversary of true bravery for the cause of liberty. On February 22, 1943, Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and Christoph Probst were executed by guillotine in Munich, Germany. Their crimes? Anonymously distributing leaflets criticizing the German government at the University of Munich. They were members of the White Rose, an underground student group that should inspire every American who loves the cause of liberty.
To those who think the Wisconsin Governor is like Hitler, this anniversary suggests that it isn't even close.

But, yet, it does suggest that we need to be ever vigilant.
Everywhere and at all times, the demons have waited in darkness for the hour in which mankind is weak; in which he voluntarily abandons the position in the world order that is based on freedom and comes from God; in which he yields to the force of the Evil One, disengaging himself from the powers of a higher order.
What can I say, the White Rose protestors came from a religious background.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Walker isn't Hitler. Not even Baron von Munchausen. Walker is a shill. A dupe. A fall guy.

    In the quagmire of false equivalencies, I give you...dramatic pause...

    The Koch Brothers.

    Cliff, please find me a suitable Nazi peer(s) to the Koch Bros.

    PS. Scott Brown is the 41st vote against card check. Hope his Union rat pals buy his book.

  2. Jack

    I know that and you know that, but the "new civility" protesters don't seem to know that.

    I would say Krupp or Soros, I can't remember which it is.

    By the way, locally I haven't seen any evidence of Kock money in the Tea Party or the Republican Party.  But, I only know from local.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. The "background" argument suits Bin Laden just as well as these folks. In my observation, "religion" is used at least as often to divide and oppress as it is to ennoble and resist.

    As for all the current hyperbole in Wisconsin, one might usefully point out that finding equitable sacrifices on all sides would show everyone's better intentions, and we don't yet have such a balanced offer to judge whether fairness can be achieved. For now, using a legislative cudgel to wage the equivalent of economic war against ones political opponents seems mean-spirited, even if does turn out to be a fiscal necessity.

  4. It takes Protestants to apply liberty by their person. All others merely mock.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.