Sunday, March 27, 2011

Free Speech Limits?

Here is a debate, via EMail.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Out there, somewhere, at this very moment lives people who, for one intensely personal reason or other, yearn for the opportunity to impose absolute controls on the behaviors of the rest of their fellow travelers, allowing only those behaviors that meet their personal standard of acceptability. The feel that, deep within their souls (or psyche for those who deny the existence of a soul) that it is their sole mission and prerogative in this life to exact those controls on others.

    Sometimes, we are able to institutionalize them before they can get into power positions. Sometimes, they are able to acquire immunity by gaining acceptance of a sociopolitical power bloc, such as the DNC

  2. And you were doing so well, right up until the very end, when you could have said "the French" and been even more right and also not nearly as offensive to many of your neighbors south of the border, down Massachusetts way.

    Remember, the French gave us Jean Jacques Rousseau, and then the Terror.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. Point well taken. I would offer however that while the French have done their part for collectivism, the DNC has given us FDR, Harry, LBJ (I except JFK as he really didn't have the time to address his agenda), and of late, the three crown jewels, Carter, Clinton, and Soetero.

    But "yes" the French.....under the guise of "renaissance"......

    In a gesture of conciliation to "many of my neighbors south of the border," as with religion, everyone is entitled to their beliefs...politically. After all, wasn't it MA where the shot was heard round the world....or was that in Concord, NH????


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.