Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Staying in the Background

From a link at The Instapundit we go to an article at The New York Times, talking about the US, and in particular, the US Navy, supporting relief efforts in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami.
At the same time, the American military has found itself trying to achieve a delicate balance.  The United States has played a role in many aspects of the response to the recent crisis in Japan, including sending fire trucks to the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.  But the Americans seem keen to avoid embarrassing the Japanese, or suggesting that the United States is running the show.
This approach is what we should be doing half way around the world, in the efforts to put up a "No Fly" zone over Libya.  We have wonderful capabilities that enable or extend the capabilities of others.  We can achieve a lot more if we are prepared to allow someone else to (1) take the credit, but also (2) provide actual leadership (that means we don't go behind their back to get things done, like we did to then Lt Gen Çevik Bir, appointed as commander of UN Operations in Somalia).

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. But we won't because our Imperial President can't resist his narcissistic tendencies. He is rushing us headlong into a stalemate of epic that EU members are more than happy to cede to us.

    The CJCS has stated publicly (and no doubt got his fanny chewed for it) that the end state is uncertain (read that to be "quagmire"). Hillary is reportedly furious about the politically inspired dithering about the Big O...down in Rio...getting THEM to drill off shore so we can pay inflated gas prices to Brazil......


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