Friday, April 15, 2011

"A Line in the Sand"

I blame President George H W Bush from putting the subject expression into common usage.

It is a dumb expression.  It seems to me that when I was young the expression was "draw a line in the dirt".  A line in the dirt would last long enough for any purposes us kids would have.  But sand, that is ever changing and is never permanent.  Let's face it, sand drifts, is blown about, and lines quickly disappear.

I expect the President was trying to make a point and draw in the geography, but I think he missed the mark.

Should we not move on?

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. And thus the follow on axiom about once having drawn one in the sand the need to continue to draw new ones. Maybe Bush didn't mean it that way...but history shows it to be true...again and again. Not that WE ever bother with the lessons of history


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