Saturday, April 30, 2011

Neo-Liberalism Reviewed

Neo-Liberalism?  Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

Here is an interesting review of a book by a Marxist anthropology professor over in the UK.  The venue explains the use of the term "neo-liberal" rather than "Tea Party".  The book is The Enigma of Capital, by David Harvey.  Let it be noted that I have read the review, but not the book.

What makes the review interesting to me is the way the review looks at economics and the role of government.  Incidentally, the review author is not much impress with the idea of President Obama being some sort of radical in this area, but he is looking at it as a Brit.

Here is the final paragraph of the review.
The prevailing outlook of austerity is not neo-liberalism but green anti-capitalism.  Mainstream notions of environmental restraint are far more influential than belief in the free market.  Anyone wishing to defend popular living standards first needs to challenge this Malthusian dogma, even when - or rather especially when - it is dressed up in the language of Marx.
A chance to broaden one's horizons and pick up new debating points.

Regards  —  Cliff

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