Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The President in 2012

Over at Hot Air Ed Morrissey talks to president Obama's prospects in 2012, based on the Rasmussen daily tracking polls.  The President has hit a new low for strong support amongst neo-liberals.

Mr Morrissey provides this comment:
Still, these are not numbers that guarantee a loss in 2012.   The base may be unenthusiastic, but they will have nowhere else to go in a 2012 general election.   If their disaffection starts bringing down Obama’s approval numbers in a serious way, it could provide a signal for a primary challenge in the fall from a Democrat more aligned with the anti-war Left, perhaps especially if the GOP forces Obama to start proposing significant cuts to entitlements.   These numbers make that a remote possibility, though, and there isn’t any significant national figure among Democrats who could run to Obama’s left — certainly not Hillary Clinton, who ran to his right in 2008 and is most responsible for the decision to start a war in Libya that isn’t going terribly well now.   Bill Richardson may be the only non-fringe candidate on the scene with enough credibility to make Obama sweat, or perhaps Russ Feingold, who would be much less inclined to try it.
On the other hand, my wife thinks Hillary Clinton could pose a serious challenge to President Obama in the primaries.

So, we wait and speculate.

Meanwhile, over at the Althouse Blog there is this poll for you re Rep Michelle Bachmann running.  For those of you who aren't sure who she is, she is the former IRS attorney now in the US House of Representatives from Minnesota.  Everyone can vote, but unlike Chicago, only once a day from the same computer.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Hillary is SOS until 2013.

    2008 NH Primary Results:

    Candidate - Votes (%)

    Hillary Clinton 112,404 (39.1)
    Barack Obama 104,815 (36.5)
    John Edwards 48,699 (16.9)
    Bill Richardson 13,269 (4.6) Viable?
    Dennis J. Kucinich 3,891 (1.4)
    Joseph R. Biden Jr. 638 (0.2)
    Mike Gravel 404 (0.1)
    Christopher J. Dodd 205 (0.1)
    Others 3,217 (1.1)

  2. Unless this Libya excursion goes south.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. seems headed south to me.....and fast. Now the press is talking openly about "three wars." Guess the MSM would know more than we mere mortals....after all..they ARE wired into the WH.

    No way on this green earth that The One isn't getting the nod....even if he got caught with an intern in the knee hole of his desk in the big O office. At least now we all know what "is" is.

    So far....and I am a dyed in the wool (beginning to think "died") conservative...clinging to my Bible and my guns....I really don't see anyone on MY side that will compete. Millionaire Mitt will only water down the field...neither of the ladies can compete in what is still a very sexist country...NOBODY is ready for a woman as Pres. And the rest of the field on the con side are simply niche players.

    I see 2012 as political checkmate...and the end of American politics as we have known it.

  4. Richardson tells a "funny" story of how he insulted Saddam Hussien, while in Iraq. It seems Bill was never briefed on certain Arab customs. His ignorance, according to him, endangered himself, his people and his mission.

    Yet, Richardson laughs, as if it was a close scrape in which he kept his cool.

    Hell, knowing you don't expose the sole of your show to an Arab is Day 1 shit, Billy.

    Remember when the Saddam statue was pulled down? Remember the Iraqi's slapping his face with their shoes?

    Bill Richardson is not POTUS material, yo.


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