Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tea Party Rally Here

No, Sarah Palin is not going to be there, but the Great Lowell Tea Party is having a Tax Day Rally anyway, at Shedd Park, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Shedd Park Pavallion

Rain or Shine

And Blue Grass Music

And a clown (Patches—not that Patches) for the Kids

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. We want photos! How many teabags can Cliff staple onto a baseball cap?

  2. Went by the Tea Party Rally; not very someone explain exactly what the "Tea Party Is"? You all speak about lowering taxes... So I ask how do you pay for life in America? Do create a different path of collecting taxes; via property? Thereby, only the "elite" privately employed person making in excess of $200,000.00 annually can afford to purchase a home...Are you excited about the dream of someday privatizing education, and hiring only private contractors to fix the infrastructure of this country? Is so God help us all.... Is was a private contractor under a republican governor who designed and built the new tunnel in Boston... The PRIVATE contractor used shorty material, screwed the tax payers in Massachussets by inflating the cost of construction, while skimping on materials...Private contractors are rebuilding in the Middle Eas, and they too are screwing the American tax payers by inflating the costs..., and no one is doing inventory... This country is taking all our hard earned money and sending out of the country...One in 4 children in this country is starving; no jobs; education is falling behind; and what is the "Tea Party Planning to do about it? And please don't tell me it is the teachers' fault that this country of falling behind in education... Most teachers and college professors, guidance counselors, school psychologists, and social workers, are better educated, with Masters Degrees, and PhD's than employees and employers in the public sector, yet we are paid musch lexx than the private sector. Republicans, Tea Party, and some Democrats continuously degrade, humiliate, and disrespect educators.... SO tell me "What is the Tea Party, really?.

    Thank you,
    Tax-payer and US born citizen


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.