Saturday, June 4, 2011

Democratic State Convention—I

I am in place with a Press Pass at the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention, at the Tsongas Arena.  I am in the Press Box, along with WBUR's Kathleen McNerney, who is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio.

People are starting to filter in, but things are not yet really rolling.  I do think I see Marie Sweeney down on the floor.

Driving in to park I saw lots of enthusiastic backers of several candidates to take away the "Kennedy" seat from Senator Scott Brown.  There was a young lady with a hat that said "Massiechusetts", in support of Bob Massie.  This would not be Bob's first rodeo, as he ran for Lieutenant Governor in 1994, the year I arrived in Lowell.

Somewhere out in the ether is a photo of Newton Mayor Setti Warren, who is also running for the Democratic nomination for Senator, but the EMail is not working at this point.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.