Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Am Shocked By This

Blogger Ann Althouse is conducting a poll in which you are asked to bet, at this moment, regardless of how you feel about him, if President Obama will be reelected in 2012.  I was shocked at the results.

I will note that between when I voted and now the poll has moved one percentage point in the direction I thought it would go.

This recent debt imbroglio seems to have had more of an impact on the voters than I would have thought—granted this is a self-selected group voting in this poll.  You can be part of that "self-selected" group by going here and voting.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. People are very upset and distrustful of the Federal government. That said, voters are an emotional lot..that is...they vote how they "feel" as opposed to making strictly rational decisions based on objective data.

    2012 is a long way away.

  2. I am shocked that all the poll takers could be so wrong. I think a poll that said "would you pick Obama rather than ... (Romney, Bachman, Pawlenty, etc)" would have rendered a much different result.

  3. I think Lance is correct in his observation.  That said, I think this was more a survey of opinion as to what people expect will happen.

    Regards  —  Cliff


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