Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stench of "Fast and Furious" Grows

I have avoided commenting on the Department of Justice imbroglio known as "Operation Fast and Furious" for a while now.  It just seemed too weird (or too stupid) to be real.  But, the action of the US Attorney in Arizona raises some issues of fairness and justice with regard to the family of a member of the U S Border Patrol, Agent Brian Terry, who was gunned down in Rio Rico, Arizona, killed in the line of duty with a weapon made available to criminal elements from Mexico.
In a surprise move in a controversial case, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona is opposing a routine motion by the family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry to qualify as crime victims in the eyes of the court.
Granted, this comes from Fox News, but I got the link from a Pajamas Medium article by Bob Owens.

I am worried in that we will face penumbras of misinformation, formed by emanations from actions that while they "seemed like a good idea at the time" were, in fact, a disaster.  My concern is not helped by the fact that DOJ was involved in the gun running and HHS was the home department of one of the victims and DOS is involved in trying to ease or relations with Mexico over this.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. The House has been investigating this travesty for several months now....and have been completely stonewalled by Eric Holder in particular....and his entire band of crooks in general. The acting Director of BATFE who was set up to take the fall has provided sworn testimony that HIS bosses all knew about the Fast and Furious program and encouraged it.

    This all fits neatly into the grander scheme of progressive desires to find a way to disarm Americans by coming up with some proof that guns kill. Well....yes they do....when they are fired by humans. Criminals seem to fire theirs in a disproportionately greater number of times than honest citizens.

    What the AZ US Attorney's office has done is not only beyond reprehensible, but is a bald faced coverup attempt inspired and directed by the top boss...Eric Holder. For them to admit victim status shatters the stonewall that the US had nothing to do with it.

    This is all done by DOJ under the theory that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.


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