Sunday, August 7, 2011

Where is President Obama Heading?

Over at Salon we have a different take on President Obama, by Radio Talk Show Host David Sirota:  "Obama isn't weak (he just isn't a liberal)".  The sub-headline is "The president has the political muscle to enact a progressive agenda, but he doesn't want to".

What Mr Sirota doesn't tell us is what the "Obama Agenda" is.

Hat tip to the Althouse.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. It seems that all the hate speech used against him has got into Obama's head.

    I'd suggest that he is trying desperately not to appear in any way the "radical, socialist, muslim" that he was branded.

    Having watched the Obama campaign up close, it is clear that Obama had a wide Centrist streak in him. That said, as the country was handed to him with a severely broken economy, what you see is his reaction rather than his design.

    I imagine, what you see now from Obama is what we would have got from Hillary Clinton had she made it to the White House and the economy wasn't crashed.

    Further, the opposing party is not an active collaborator in governing. His "vision" is skewed by the reality that republicans will consistantly put party politics before all else.

  2. Not exactly a "reliable" defender of The One and his record thus far. Two fellow progressive "journalists" have this to say about Sirota's perceptive abilities: "In his article comparing two approaches to progressive politics, Nate Silver described Sirota's approach as "playing fast and loose with the truth and using some of the same demagogic precepts that the right wing does".[55] Nate Silver (2009-02-15). "The Two Progressivisms". FiveThirtyEight – Politics Done Right. Retrieved 2009-09-24

    Regarding Sirota's political analysis and projections, including his predictions during the 2008 presidential election, Al Giordano described him as "an inverted compass: when Sirota says 'heads,' you can make a lot of money betting on 'tails.'"[56] Al Giordano (January 27, 2009). "The Partisanship Trap". The Field. Retrieved 2009-09-24

    Interestingly, as per Jack's comments, this morning David Axelrod said without any reservation that the current woes afflicting the country as well as Obama's presidency are 100% the fault of the Tea Party AND George Bush.

    So there you have it. It is all the Republican's fault because of their partisan politics and power plays over the past decade. Conversely, by that rubric, the Democrats are NOT being partisan in their allegation that the troubles afflicting us is a GOP mess. I'm not sure how he explains the years of Democrat control of the Congress during the Bush years....maybe Bush was much more effective than anyone has dreamed.

    When pressed by the moderator about what can Obama do in the next year to stem the troubles and reverse our direction, a visibly angry Axelrod said that there were many things that they could do. Pressed about not what they COULD do but what they WOULD actually do, Axelrod simply reverted to the fact that the Tea Party is a bunch of domestic terrorists. Democrat controlled Senate produced realistic budget from that America can actually pick up and read without the assistance of an attorney or 20. Yes, the Ryan budget was radical, but it was produced and immediately thrown in the trash can by Reid. How is THAT being a terrorist?

    I just don't understand. Not that it matters.

  3. The Dems in Congress went head first into Iraq. They didn't have the stomach to stop the neocons.

    Osama bin Laden's plan was to break America financially.

    And we are all to blame for buying into global Crapitalism. So many refinanced their homes to buy cheap plastic goods and flashy digital toys from "Not Made In The USA."

    Yes, Neal, we bought the snake oil. Had any one tried to stop us, man o'man!

  4. Right on Jack!!! Snake oil has sold well for a number of decades. I'll probably fry in that place of high heat for saying this, but some of the BEST snake oil was sold out during the 80's.


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