Friday, September 23, 2011

The Chicken Tax

The "Chicken Tax", from the "Chicken Wars".

All this from researching the Ford Transit.

And, in the comments, a discussion of how all this links together.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Ah....the games people in governments play.....assuming that is that governments ARE people.

    The UP side of this is that it is irrefutable proof that one CAN fight city hall....and win. Score one for the common man.

    The DOWN side is that it exposes to the Obama band of bureaucrats a previously undiscovered source of revenue with which to fund more Federal programs to screw Americans. A side bennie is that it also provides The One with more fodder (the nicest term I can employ here)for his corporate hate campaign (even though the most successful of them...GE leading the pack...back channel millions to his reelection war chest).

    Actually, the term "Chicken Tax" has it origins in the early days of the Federal tax ponzi scheme. As first used, an additional term was included between "Chicken" and "Tax" which spoke volumes about the "fairness" of Federal taxation without even the slightest representation. The middle descriptor fell into disuse at the beginning of the age of political civility and correctness....but is often heard in the dark, dank backrooms of the Great Unwashed as they glumly survey the fiscal devastation that is theirs for life.

  2. Neal, the O-bashing digressions are growing tiresome. LBJ was a D, R's Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bush did exactly what D's Carter, Clinton and Obama did since then and are doing, and it's not a partisan problem, it's a bureaucracy problem. If you continue to whinge about it all being on one incumbent, you nominate yourself to be perceived as part of the problem. Throwing O out of office, just like throwing Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon and LBJ out of office, accomplishes nothing. Positively nominating someone who will be different would be something, but rants like this comment never seem to get all the way there. Which is too bad.

  3. Actually Kad, you have either not completely read my post, or have chosen to judge it based on your own preconceptions.

    I didn't bash O. I suggested that his band of bureaucrats would find the opportunity for revenue irresistible. Beyond that, I simply call a spade a spade w/r to Obama's cynical bashing of corporations...all the while taking their money in his back pocket. That he isn't doing anything any different than other folks who preceded him at 1600 is not questioned or even discussed. Anyone who aspires to and achieves the Presidency is unfortunately afflicted with an emperor history amply demonstrates.

    Frankly, I don't see ANYONE who will do any better from either party...and thus....have chosen to remain mute on that aubject. The Presidency is broken....the Congress is more broken...and the Judiciary has lost its cahones. Dragging some demogogue with a Napoleon complex into the WH is not going to repair those defects. The American people must do it...and unfortunately....the cure may be much more uncomfortable for most than the disease.

    But if it makes you feel better by condescending to me.....have a ball.


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