Saturday, October 22, 2011

No Obama Doctrine

This article is a short look at reporters asking the President's Spokesman about if there is an Obama Doctrine, now that we have seen the capture of former Libyian Strongman Moammar Qaddafi. Mr Jay Carney apparently ducks the question as to if there is an Obama Doctrine.
The White House doesn’t want to box itself into a “doctrine,” and Carney repeated that the “prism” through which Obama views national security and foreign policy is the safety of the U.S. and the American people — not an ideological or political one.
Frankly, that looks like a good prism to use.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Oh sure.....a good prism.....if that is all you want is the prismatic output. But then what?? If we are threatened...what is the game plan...what philosophy drives this Administration to action? This is vacuous rhetoric designed to deceive people into thinking that in saying something that something has actually been said. What Obama is saying is...."Well, when I happens, I'll decided what to do about it...and I'll know what it is that I will know when I see it."

    Now...doesn't that make everyone feel nice and snug and secure?

  2. The flip side of this is that this Administration has not formed a doctrine to go out and find insurrections that it might support in the name of democracy or in the name of preventing oppression.  That is a good thing.

    I am not saying I overall like the current administration, but I do find this approach to foreign policy to be good in that it avoids foreign entanglements, which often lead to other problems.

    Regards  —  Cliff


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.