Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fast and Furious

From the Althouse blog:
"... not for any legitimate public purpose but in order to advance a left-wing political agenda, and those guns were used to murder hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American border agent – which they were – then we are looking at a scandal that dwarfs any in modern American history."

John Hinderaker, trying to fathom Fast and Furious.  We really do need an explanation.  If Hinderaker's conclusion seems extreme, consider that it could be easily refuted by a clear statement from the Obama administration disclosing the true and legitimate purpose.  The absence of such a statement propels us toward the extreme conclusion.
Remember, Professor Althouse voted FOR Senator Obama for President.  Not one of those "bitter clingers".

And, could we have a round of applause for CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson.  Good job, Ms Attkisson.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. To make this whole sordid saga even more egregious, Halfwit Holder glibly observed during today's House hearing that, "weapons lost in the 'wholly unacceptable gunrunning program' will haunt the U.S. and Mexico for years to come."

    Yep....Obama HAS indeed fundamentally changed America. Nobody can say he hasn't fulfilled his campaign promise.

    But of course, Holder claims that "nobody at DOJ" is responsible for this unbelievable crime.....a crime that was conceived and committed by elements of the US Federal Government.

    They send mere mortals to prison for such offenses don't they??????

  2. Hardly Iran Contra, but DO go on.

    I laughed at this part, "The absence of such a statement propels us toward the extreme conclusion."

    Will a birth certificate suffice?

  3. Holder doesn't need a birth certificate!  He is only the AG.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  4. snakes don't GET birth certificates.....

    Unnamed, unknown people are going to die from this bit of Federal misadventure aka incompetence.....but "Gee, that's too bad....better luck next time" and...."It all began with Bush...."

    But then, it makes it all better when we can all reflect on the fact that the US has a long, long history of Federal incompetence and just plain bone-headed actions.


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