Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Elliot Motion for Tonight

On City Life today someone called in and wanted to talk about the motion being put forward by City Councillor Rodney Elliot tonight, calling for the City Manager to pass to the City Council the resumes of all those being considered for places on City Commissions (e.g., Library, Licensing, Zoning).

Here is the take over at Gerry Nutter's Blog.  And, the motion is, per the agenda,
18. C. Elliott- Req. City Council adopt a policy to require the City Manager to submit resumes of applicants for all Boards and Commissions that require City Council confirmation.
Gerry has also provided a link to the complete agenda.

Gerry is opposed to releasing the resumes.  I think I feel the same way.  My question is, what does Solicitor Christine O'Conner think?  Tonight, perhaps, we will find out.

As a side note, those who are less than charitable might think that the issue isn't resumes, but the Manager.  That would be the "subtext".  Subtext is one of the catch phrases in the TV Show Castle, which runs on Mondays at 10:00 PM.

Did I mention that I am with Gerry on this?  I am.  Vote no.  On the other hand, let's put this behind us one way or the other and move on to our big issues, like economic development and education.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. The city charter is quite clear on the requirement for the city council to stay out of personnel matters. Not perhaps as egregious as Elliot's previous work to eliminate a budget line item which de facto fired a city employee, but of a kind. Somebody needs to tell this overreaching would-be Machiavelli to sit down and do his own job for a change.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.