Friday, February 17, 2012

Is It Or Isn't It a Tax?

Here is Blogger Ann Althouse talking about the two faces of the Obama Administration regarding the question of if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a tax.  Before SCOTUS the Administration is saying it is a tax, but before everyone else they are saying it isn't.

What is the real answer here?

And, it isn't "Obama Care".  It is a bill passed by the Democrats in the US Congress.  The President just signed the bill.

But, still, it is the President's job to enforce the law.  My question is, if he doesn't know if it is a tax or not, how can be properly and faithfully execute this law?

I think I would be more confident if he had some experience with Constitutional Law.  Maybe teaching it.  Then he could be straight forward with those of us who are the Citizens of this Great Nation.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Of course it's a tax!!! Any time a government mandates that you pay (in one form or another) a fee to it or one of its representatives, it is a tax plain and simple. We are deluded into thinking that if the IRS doesn't levy's not a tax. If I have no choice but to pay it......its a tax. is a tax without representation!! I know that will evoke shrieks of disagreement and denial, but the House of Representatives under the iron fist of Nancy Pelosi set about passing this monstrosity under the paternal eye of Harry Reid. This was an Obama mandate...he was the one leading the charge....he put himself on the allegedly white horse at the head of the advancing column.

    The reason for calling it "Obamacare" is two fold. First, his own mandate to his packed Congress that it become law as a personal political milestone, and second, because it is a term of derision imposed by the some 70 - 80% of Americans who oppose the thing.....and a growing number who oppose Obama.

    It was NEVER a label of honor.

    We've been lectured enough by this guy and surely don't need evening prime time lectures by him on the intricacies of Constitutional area of law that I suspect he knows very little....if at all. It would be much better instead if he would simply abide by the Constitution.

    I will make a prediction. The SCOTUS will overturn the mandate, but leave the rest of the massive and monstrous law untouched. In that way, they will be seen as striking a blow to the head of this hydra..while simultaneously permitting the Obama administration and his ultra liberal minions to proceed along their path of fundamentally changing America. In fact, the SCOTUS decision will send a clear message of endorsement to Obama, et al.

    Trust me...the worst is yet to come.

  2. The sky is falling?

  3. The sky isn't falling.  On the other hand, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) thinks he is already picking up the pieces.

    Regards  —  Cliff


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