Monday, February 6, 2012

Partial Picture

In the Sunday edition of The New York Times the house conservative, Columnist Ross Douthat talks to what he sees as "The Media's Abortion Blinders".  His lede:
IN the most recent Gallup poll on abortion, as many Americans described themselves as pro-life as called themselves pro-choice.
The fact is that more than half of Americans think abortion should be legal.  The fact is that more than half of Americans think abortion is wrong.  The discussion of the Koman/Planned Parenthood imbroglio fails to reflect that statistical and political fact.  And that is a sad commentary.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. "The fact is that more than half of Americans think abortion is wrong."

    This statement assumes an import it does not posess.

    I think using abortion as birth control is "wrong." But, find that it is "correct" in certain circumstances.

    I don't squash spiders when I find them in the house. Mice, I kill. Spiders get a paper cup escort to the yard.

    Life is meant to live. When life depends on another life, that condition is fragile.

  2. What can possibly be legal or even "right" about taking a pair of forceps and jamming them forcefully into the skull of an unborn fetus...but one with a beating heart and functional nerve system? All because, in the main, nurturing that life is...well....inconvenient. IMHO....a woman who seeks and has an abortion should have her reproductive organs removed and her vagina sewed shut. If she didn't want to be impregnated, she should have taken precautions....and that includes insisting that her partner do so as well.

    PPH is nothing more than a government funded storefront for abortionists and self absorbed females of the species who find their current "condition" an imposition on their plans for life.

    Across this society we have literally thousands of married couples...and even single people...who want more than anything to be a parent...and for many reasons are unable to attain that goal. And at the same time....we are slaughtering hundreds of thousands of babies. What an obscenity on modern mankind.


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