Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ban Dante

Yes, it is probably time to leave the UN, especially if this idea is adopted—ban the Divine Comedy, a poem by Dante Alighieri.  The poem dates from around 1308 to 1321.  The Telegraph article, by Mr Nick Squires, writing from Rome, starts out:
The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.

Dante's epic is "offensive and discriminatory" and has no place in a modern classroom, said Valentina Sereni, the group's president.
I would say that if the UN, or one of its agencies, moves forward with this foolishness, we let them stay in Turtle Bay as long as they wish, but we excuse ourselves and use those then excess diplomats elsewhere.

Don't Mess With Dante

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Just one more in a very long list of reasons to send the UN addition to the fact that it would be a huge tax savings to the US.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.