Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Different View of Feminism

Feminism and the treatment of women has been a hot topic recently.

Following the Rush Limbaugh Imbroglio and the Bill Maher codicil we have the Bristol Palin question.

Conservative Commenter Peggy Noonan puts it down to the coarsening of public discourse, and on both sides of the aisle.  Blame the Internet.

However, Vox Day thinks that Ms Noonan misses the boat and says it has to do with the Recent education of young men about women and feminism.  The final paragraph talks about the ultimate impact on men.
Led by a small cadre of practical game theoreticians, most notoriously the brilliantly dour Roissy, more and more men are taking the red pill and rejecting the pretty lies they have been told throughout the entire course of their education and upbringing.  Some are choosing to go their own way.  Others are improving the quality of their marriages, and still others are using their new-found knowledge to plow through the opposite sex like Visigoths and Vandals sacking Rome.  What Peggy Noonan does not realize is that whereas men once assumed that a woman was a lady until proven otherwise, increasing numbers of them assume women are shallow and superficial until they are provided with credible evidence to the contrary.

In the article is a reference to taking the Red Pill.  An explanation can be found here.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. We are what we hold dear....or put another way...."As a man thinketh, so he is."

    As a society, we no longer revere the sanctity of life, unless it is "convenient and suits our purposes".....so why wouldn't the male of the species disrespect the female of the species....well....any less than has been done historically.

  2. Are these pills covered by my medical insurance?

  3. Not yet...but give Obama a chance for God's sake.......they will be.....soon....


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