Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reporting From Syria

The reporting from Syria has not been that helpful to me.  The reason Syria is important, amongst other things, is that there are those talking about intervention.  Questions need to be asked by the Citizenry.  Is it a real civil war or just some tribal animosity that will go nowhere in the end?  Is it time for the French to lead an intervention (in their old colony)?  The Saudis have pulled their Ambassador, but is that about Syrian oppression, or Sunnis in Syria, or is it about Iran?

Some have been taking pot shots at those trying to report from there.

Here is Nir Rosen, posting a defense of his work on Carl Prine's blog.  It isn't like Carl and Nir can't get into a dustup at the drop of a hat, so I take it as an important sign that this comes out the way it does.

A happy Sunday to all.

Regards  —  Cliff

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