Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Advice to Romney

From over at The Instapundent we have a link to a John Ellis piece at BuzzFeed.
The key to a Romney victory is not to defeat President Obama; that would be a byproduct. The key is to make the case that the Blue Social Model is truly dead, that a new model is urgently needed and to present the first rough draft of what the new model might look like. Points one and two are an open-and-shut case.  Point three is much riskier, obviously, but will (over time and with repetition) sharpen the points of difference. Vote for Obama and surely sink. Vote for Romney and at least there’s hope.
The best line in the article was "The war against arithmetic is also a war against the young." There it is, the best candidate for campaign catch phrase—"The war against arithmetic."

We need a social safety net, but we need to reject Keynesian economics.  It didn't work for us in the 1930s and it hasn't worked for the Japanese.  The fact is that the less fortunate are suffering more than they need to because we have the wrong model.

Regards  —  Cliff

  I thought that the first two points weren't obvious, so here they are.  The first is "Blue Social Model (the New Deal through to Richard Nixon's implementation of the Great Society) is a failed paradigm.  The second point is that we urgently need a new social model.


  1. Is Mitt Romney the Republican's version of Al Gore?

    ... President Obama's advisers are more confident than ever that they will beat the former Massachusetts governor in the general election... Giving Obama's team a buoyant feeling: Romney's unending string of gaffes that reinforce his image as someone who is hopelessly out of touch with the real lives of real people."

    "Romney's prospects rely on two tracks: abandoning the effort to be likable and settling instead for awkwardly endearing (though his public image is a long way off from that) and using a series of upcoming framing speeches to condemn the Obama economic record."

  2. Mitt the Twit is the Republican version of Obama....nothing more...nothing less.....the choice is between what color tee shirt your candidate is wearing......the end is the same

  3. Regarding Neal's comment, I don't think that is quite fair to Mr Romney.  He has served as a manager in government and private industry.

    If we can "manage" our way out of our problems, he has the background to do it.  And, he appears not to be much of an idealogue.  He just wants to get 'er done.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  4. I was referring only to the outcome of choosing either one. The problem for Romney is that he is not a leader, has no "touch with the people" and is pathetically clumsy when having to "identify." About the last thing we need at the moment is a Manager as President....we have a ton of them below that level....we need someone with vision and the leadership ability to transform that vision into tangible outcomes....someone who can rise above the pettiness of partisan politics....

    Neither Romney or Obama are at all capable of leadership...or rising above the filth of politics.

    I read today that this campaign will quite likely go down in history as the dirtiest most contentious in history. That is saying a lot....but I fear it is quite true....and strong emotions have never been a good basis for decision making.


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