Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Economic Numbers

Could blogger Ed Morrissey be correct about the numbers on economic growth, as stated here?  Mr Morrissey thinks the Presidents two favorite analysts, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, might be wrong.

But, this Tuesday AM my Middle Brother sent this URL from The New York Times, which make Mssrs Piketty and Saez out to be geniuses.  Maybe.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Several telling phrases within both articles referenced. "Left leaning" and "academically revered." Not to mention...French. Of course they are embraced by Barackracy and the nouveaux Condescendi. How could they possibly be wrong, factually or philosophically? They said it was right so it is....and their carefully composed data proves it. If we don't accept their revelations, then we are merely uninformed and unbelievably unintelligent...which is why the Anointed have been sent to organize and care for us.

    Oh...and which segment in the "middle class" has been "left behind (well...they can't be "left" as then they wouldn't be they have to be RIGHT)?" Lower, lower middle, middle, middle upper, upper???


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