Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Getting Past Che Chic

The Instapundit has a link to an article in Reason, by Matt Welch, on an article on the late Che Guevara.

Mr Welch is upset by a column in Ireland's Independent, by a Darragh McManus.  The column ends:
Yes, Che was ruthless and fanatical and sometimes murderous.  But was he a murderer?  No, not in the sense of a serial killer or gangland assassin.  He was one of those rare people who are prepared to push past ethical constraints, even their own conscience, and bring about a greater good by doing terrible things.

Whether morally justifiable or not, there is something admirable in that -- pure principle in a world of shabby compromise.  Maybe this is why Che remains such an icon, both in image and idea.
So, there you have it; political compromise is good, unless you are someone like Mr Guevara (Che), or maybe Bill Ayers.  This is a warning to all you Republicans.  It is your job to compromise.  It is, apparently, those others who should stand pat and may kill for what they believe.  That said, I think that what Mr Guevara believed was a delusion, an emotional response to facts on the ground, an emotional response that impinged on the rights of others.

The Instapundit, Law Professor Glenn Reynods, very unkindly notes that you can't spell douche without using C-h-e.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. I thought you Righties had all the guns?

    Young liberals idolize Che because they "know" a myth. Like you guys do with Ronnie Reagan.

    Further, when the GOPers get their gin up, they go big! Like that pre-emptive war with Iraq. Neo-cons sure make the big play. Using other people's blood and treasure, of course.

    Che, I think, and Fidel too, did stick their necks out. They didn't pull a hitch with the TX Air Guard.

    But I could be mistaken. The Che myth is not one of my favorites. I always preferred the "Camelot" legend.

    I figured if Pop and Nana hung the guy's picture next to the Pope....

  2. I kind of like the Camelot legend, if only because it is such a nice counter to the leftie lash out that Bush et al made a big play using other people's blood and treasure. Gee.....and what was our little misadventure (aka..Oops) into the affairs of Viet Nam?? Oh...wait...that was a "good" war because we were fighting for "democracy" for a portion of the Vietnamese population who didn't want to be under the communist heel.....unlike those Arabs who didn't want to be a subject of Sadam.

    Yes...I do see that critical difference.

    And I suppose Charlie Wilson was a Con....or a NeoCon?? After all, it really IS even today HIS war since he got us hip deep in it.

    But let's not detract from the exciting cachet of Che....the hero of the Weather Underground, the SLA, the Black Panthers, the SDS, et al.

  3. Live and learn, it seems. Who knew that Neal would be in league with the UN, discounting national sovereignty, and espousing the idealistic cornerstones of the Responsibility To Protect.

    We've come a long way, baby. Power to the People!


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