Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Conservatives vs Republicans

The Republican Party is actually a pretty big tent, as was demonstrated on City Life today, with both former Lowell Republican City Committee Chairman Tom O'Brien and show host George Anthes.  Perhaps a bigger tent than the Democratic Party.

Now comes Mr Craig Shirley, writing in Politico and asking "Conservative-GOP marriage over?".  Maybe, but I think not just yet.  I do hope that before the divorce is final someone will answer for me my question as to just where the "Progressives" are progressing.  What is their destination, if any?

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Progressives are progressing, because they care about social issues. People who care about social issues, are more likely to be engaged in civics.

    I know too many people who vote Republican, happy in their own cul-de-sac who really do not care what happens to anyone else. I could say that about many Democrats too, but voting Democrats allows them to feel good living in their cul-de-sac without feeling guilty.

    "I'm good person, I vote Democrat."

    I may disagree where a progressive stands on some issues, but fiscal issues make sense only if you first determine the social issue you value first. For many who vote Republicans, then don't care about anything.

    The GOP is a big tent, and many of enter the tent for completely polarizing reasons.

    Acknowledge social issues first, what do we value, and only then public policy takes shape after that.


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